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Delhi High Court recently over turned an order of Authority of Advance Rulings (‘AAR’) 1 which denied private equity firm Tiger Global tax exemption under the India...

Unmasking Angel Tax: Ramifications of the 2023 Amendment

Indian Angel Tax Provisions have bemused many since the incorporation of Section 56(2)(viib) in Income Tax Act and just when we thought that the jurisprudence on Angel Tax was maturing and Government would rethink to whittle down...

During Covid, online gaming as an industry experienced meteoric growth, gaining popularity among the new-age GenZ and millennials. Online games were easily accessible through smartphones, play stations, Nintendo, and Xbox and were...

UAE has introduced a federal decree-law on Corporate Tax that is going to be implemented from June 2023 after which all UAE businesses will need to comply with Transfer Pricing rules and documentation requirements...

Chennai ITAT (“ITAT” or “Tribunal”) held impairment loss as non-operating in nature in its recent ruling in the case of M/s. DIAB Core Materials Pvt. Ltd. V DCIT1. The impairment...

UAE introduced federal decree law on corporate tax, called the Federal Corporation Tax (‘ on 9 th December, 2022 In the previous three editions of....

The Central Board of Direct Taxes vide notification dated 22nd May 2023, issued guidelines providing clarification in respect of the calculation and the manner for tax deduction pertaining to online gaming (“Guidelines”). Additionally, Rule 133 has been introduced as part of the...

In the first edition of UAE Transfer Pricing (‘TP’) bulletin we had provided a comparative overview of the salient features of UAE and Indian TP regulations. In this edition, we dive further into some key aspects of TP provisions...

Prima facie a dichotomy exists in the objective of the Revenue and Customs department while the latter seeks to raise the value of a transaction between related parties to...

We are pleased to bring to you the monthly round-up of significant rulings under Indirect Tax/GST regime. The month of March-April saw some significant rulings coming from High Court and Authority for Advance Rulings. The important rulings are summarized...

UAE introduced federal decree-law on corporate tax, called the Federal Corporation Tax (‘CT’) on 9th December, 2022. In the previous editions of UAE Transfer Pricing (‘TP’) bulletin we had provided...

The Explanatory Guide provides an explanation of the meaning and intended effect of each Article of the UAE CT. It may be used in interpreting the corporate tax law and must be read in conjunction with the UAE...

Finance Bill 2023 proposes to reduce time available for furnishing Transfer Pricing Report from 30 days to 10 days allowed earlier (from date of request by Transfer Pricing Officer). Additional time up...

The Mumbai Tribunal (“Tribunal”) in its recent ruling in DCIT v. Credit Suisse (Singapore) Ltd1. ruled that offshore
commission income earned...


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